Here is how to find your car’s engine number, VIN and chassis number

To explain it with a rough analogy: your car’s VIN, chassis & engine number are for your car, what your Aadhaar, PAN and Passport number are for you! So, it goes without saying, all 3 of these numbers are very important. Not knowing where to find them is somewhat equivalent to not knowing where your identity proof documents are located, can you imagine that?! Keeping this in mind, the following article will tell you where you can find these important numbers in your vehicle – it should help when buying car insurance , filing a claim, and if you ever need to file an FIR. Not to mention, it’s good to know just for your general knowledge too! So let’s begin. 1. VIN VIN stands for Vehicle Identification Number, no awards for guessing that one! Your car’s VIN is unique, just like your fingerprint. It is made of 17 alpha-numeric characters and it is used to identify & keep records about your vehicle. It may also be required when buying a car insurance policy for your ca...