Why you shouldn’t buy 4 wheeler insurance from the dealership?

When you buy a car, it comes with an insurance policy, right? It’s a neat package that ensures that you do not have worry about the formalities of four wheeler insurance and that allows you to legally drive your car, right from the moment it leaves the dealership. But have you ever wondered if the plan that is given to us is the best option for you and your car? Here are some reasons why you should look into plans besides the one that comes with the car. 1. The one size that fits all might not fit you. The plan that comes to your car is pre-packaged. It is the same one that all other buyers will receive. However your insurance needs might be different, you might live in a flood-prone area, on which case, getting the engine protector cover might be needed. Or maybe your parking spot is under a coconut tree, in which case you might want to get the windshield protector add-on just in case. Or maybe you live in a theft-prone area and would like protection for your personal belo...